The Trapeze Act: Schooling during a pandemic

As an educator, blogger, and a believer it’s probably a good time for me to share some ideas I have about this school year. I hope this doesn’t add to the chaotic noise that fills today, but may it greet you as a whisper of encouragement.

I was given an image this morning. A trapeze artist hanging in the air. Waiting to be caught by their partner. No net far below — nets are for rookies. And don’t forget the enormous audience watching. Most of the audience is rooting for these two, though there are a few screwy onlookers wondering what failure might look and sound like.  This image embodies the households sending their children to school, or sending them to their computer. Hanging in the air represents the helpless tension I’m feeling as a teacher. And it represents our society right now, doesn’t it?

Though did you notice a little detail about the trapeze spectacle?  The success of a trapeze artist is not self-reliant? They need a partner they can trust. Yet another commonality between being a teacher and a man of faith. Both in the classroom and in my walk with God, I’ve gotten mixed up in the “I’m better off on my own” mentality. We all desire to be self-reliant and avoid all outside forces. Sorry, that’s just not the way life works. Trying to live life in a bubble during Covid has proven one truth: By one’s self, a human is far from good.

Me, as the trapeze jumper

I’m sure there’s a more technical term for the trapeze artist that gets caught by their partner. But since I know no one in the trapeze circle, we’ll refer to this person as the “Jumper.” The Jumper requires faith, trust, and courage. The Jumper gives their partner the benefit of the doubt. The Jumper shuns skepticism and wears a confidence of hope.

I’m going to leap, reach out and hope to be grasped by my students’ families. I’m humbling admitting my incapacity and requesting a partnership. I should have made this decision long ago. For some of us, it takes a pandemic to realize our shortcomings. 

I can’t wait to experience the strong community that we will form!

Me, as the catcher

Again, without access to the circus circles, I’m making it up. The “Catcher” is the strong link who, you guessed it, catches the jumper. The Catcher is strong and aware. The Catcher sees and calculates the different angles and forces. The Catcher gives grace and remains present.

Students and families, this year I vow to never make judgements about your household. We’re facing so many obstacles; I’ll trust you’re doing your best. I will play my part as the Catcher. I will be present with grace and strength, ready to hold you up and give you support at every turn.  

I can’t wait to form an unbreakable bond through authenticity and vulnerability!

As for the audience

Yes, they’ll be watching. There will be some screwy onlookers playing the part of critic. But for us, the Trapeze Artists, we will not be ashamed of our performance this year! We will be strong, authentic, and vulnerable for each other. I mean to wear the Spandex suit of a trapeze artist, we have no choice but to put on these three traits!

This year, you’ll see me jump. This year, you’ll trust me to catch. This year we’ll put on a show for the audience!